Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Let's Get Crafty: DIY Crochet Hearts

Tomorrow is the most loved and loathed holiday of the year: Valentine's Day.

Whether you're a lover or a's coming.
So, why not have a little fun?
Even if you're single...impress your crush with the latest in my adventures in craftdom: Crochet hearts!
And, if you're not single, annoy your loved ones by having tiny crochet hearts ALL OVER your apartment.

While searching zee internets for random Valentine's Day crafts I came across this video:

And, not a second later, I was off to B.E. Yarn (784 Manhattan Ave near Calyer St.) in Greenpoint.

I got me some purdy new yarn, and hunkered down on the couch.
It was actually pretty easy. So, now, I'm all about the crochet tutorials. And, I have a shitload of pink, crocheted hearts laying all over my living room.

Seriously though, how precious are these?!

Even though they serve no purpose whatsoever, save for putting me in the Valentine's spirit, they're mad cute.

I'm think I'm going to use them as little doilies for chocolate.
Is that weird?

So, go forth, crochet hearts.
They're festive in that lovey-dovey way and oh-so-granny-ish.

And if you're going to be all:
"I hate Valentine's day. Psshah."

Then, get black yarn...and shut up.

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