Tuesday, November 6, 2007

A Work In Progress

If there's anything I've learned about pie, it's that only time will tell how good a pie maker you'll become.

My love affair with pie began hastily, a whole mess of pies, all with different fillings: Pecans, Peanut Butter, Chocolate, Raspberry Chiffon, Apple, Cherry, Gingered-Lemon Meringue.

And then I cooled off. Who cared about my pie anyway?
I'd learned to make dough and that was the goal.

Mission accomplished, or so I thought.

Then, on one of the first of the cooler days, it beckoned.


And so, I heeded the call.

I filled my bottom crust with sliced pears, flour, sugar, allspice, and a bit of lemon zest.

Then, I rolled out my lovely top crust. (I won't tell a lie, I secretly think that double crusts are FAR superior to open face pies! Open face?! How common!)

And then, serve. With just a dollop of fresh whipped cream.

Simple. Crisp. Pretty and plain. Just like Fall.

Perhaps it was just a series of events after all:
The chill, the crisp air at the farmer's market, the Mexican dude who took each perfect Bosc pear and lay them beautifully in a fruity display.

It was pie makin' time.

Wondering what kinda pie I'll cook up next?
Me too.

But the most I can tell you at the moment is, well, I'm workin' on it.


pinknest said...

yay! i'm so glad you're back on pies. i love your pie making posts. what's next!? what are you gonna make for thanksgiving?

Brooklyn Bitch said...

My mom asked for Apple. Which, I think, is one of the better ones I've made.
I'm going to give Blueberry a test run this weekend (another of Mom's requests).
But, I'm not makin' any promises, right now, Apple is the only sure-thing.