We love Christopher because he's the founder of several of our favorite multi-media cooking education and entertainment sources!
Yes, he's the Mastermind behind gems like America's Test Kitchen on PBS, and the outstanding print publications: Cook's Illustrated Magazine and Cook's Country Magazine. Not to mention the author and co-author of several cookbooks put out in association with those magazines.
The first time we set eyes on him in America's Test Kitchen, his zany manner and love for food became instantly infectious. He's so much fun, and his obsession with a recipe's perfection is both admirable and inspiring.
While his accolades may be many, he certainly isn't a snob, though he's a foodie for sure. His unpretentious approach to cooking and prep make it all seem so easy and light hearted. And, isn't that the sign of a true pro?
Here's to you Christopher...you tested all the bunk recipes so we didn't have to...and you frikkin' rock.
i enjoy watching him, too, because i think he's so WEIRD!! don't you think? i don't know, i can't think of another word for him.
I can honestly say that I would not be as good of a cook if it were not for this man, and I love any magazine that has no advertisments!
BB - yup, he's the guy, even if he is zany. That's a good adjective for him.
pinknest: I agree! Almost Don Knotts-like. But he is so good at making wonderful food!
addROC - me, too! I have been a longtime subscriber, and one of my favorite books is "The Best Recipe" which has some things in it that just rock...like Double Chocolate Pudding, Quiche Lorraine, and the world's best peanut butter cookies.
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