Friday, August 31, 2007

The American Pie Council. Yes, it exists.

Holy frikkin' crap. There is an American Pie Council.

As some of you may know, I have recently become quite obsessed with pie. I am all about making a ton of pies until I have perfected the art, and then, I plan to move on to tarts, or something else I suck at.

So, I spend a good 3-4 hours of my workweek surfing the web for new and exciting pie recipes for me to bake and/or destroy.

In this week's search, I came across The American Pie Council. And it's absolutely, fucking brilliant. With posts titled: "Random Acts of Pieness" how can you go wrong? I also learned that National Pie Day is on January 23rd! Who knew?

It's $35 bucks to become a regular member, and $25 for students and seniors.

The subscription is pretty pimp. It entitles you to coupons, opens the door to some pie-networking opportunities, AND, my most favorite part, you get a subscription to: PIE TIMES!!!!

Too much people, too much. I love my pie, but this is ridiculous! Go check it out...there is some serious pie making and baking to be done!

And, the best part is, you can access recipes for the current winners of various regional and national pie competitions!

Sweeeeeet. Literally.


Anonymous said...

Holy Friggin Crap indeed!!! I am also recently pie-obsessed, having just started with the elaborate lattice-work and shit. (And i bought this really great multi-mini-tart pan @ Tarzanian in Park Slope over the weekend so I am definitely headed there soon too). I am soooo trying the Prizewinning Pecan Pie recipe this weekend!!!!

p.s. Rachel Ray does suck. Her agent is in my building (@work) so I have been in the elevator with Her Uppityness at least three times... first of all she wears way too much eye-makeup, and does not stop moving--ever--and is a total freak.

Brooklyn Bitch said...

Wow. Lattice work. I'm impressed. Not quite up to that yet. Though, I have perfeccted the flaky pie crust. Mmm. Pie. Let me know how the Pecan Pie turns out....maybe I'll give it a whirl.

Marc said...

I love pie, too...probably my favorite dessert...but usually only homemade. So what kinds of pies do you like? I'll send you some of my favorite recipes.

Brooklyn Bitch said...

Marc- I like pretty much anything. Not totally into nut pies, other than pecan of course, but, I love fruit, chocolate, and I'm even down to try something kinda weird.

pinknest said...

wait wait wait, i am MOST interested in these pie-networking opportunities. MOST interested.